NGEA – Clayton Office Closure
To our Valued Patients, Referring Providers and Community Members, Thank you for trusting us with your care. To enhance patient services, North Georgia Eye Associates plans to close our Clayton… read more

Prevention Tips for Eye Emergencies When Traveling
According to AAA, 43.8 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this Memorial Day weekend. This is a 4% increase over 2023, just shy of the record… read more

What Can Your Eyes Tell You About Your Heart Health?
February is the month of love, but it is also Heart Health Month. I know you are thinking, “What does my heart health have to do with my eye health?”… read more

Becoming Wiser About Your Eye Health
It is no secret that our eyes change as we age. Favorably, there is a lot you can do to preserve your eye health. A few of the most common… read more

Tips to Help Dry Eye
The winter season is now in full swing! The chilling effects of the colder months, your environment, and your wardrobe are not the only parts of your life that need… read more

We Are Thankful for Our Patients
This Thanksgiving season, it is essential to acknowledge what we are grateful for in our lives and thank all our patients. It is a pleasure to care for your eye… read more

Kitchen Eye Safety Tips
We are fast approaching the most prominent holiday season to celebrate, spend time with family, and spend most of our time in the kitchen preparing our favorite holiday dishes. As… read more

Do You Want Relief From Dry Eyes?
Dry eye disease is a common condition occurring when your tears cannot provide lubrication for your eyes. Tears can be scarce to produce for many reasons, which can cause your… read more

November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness, often with no early warning signs. However, early detection, timely treatment, and appropriate follow-up care are the only ways to help… read more

How to Be Eye Safe This Halloween
Are you ready for a fun Halloween celebration this year? As Halloween approaches, we urge costume shoppers to avoid non-prescription lenses after a study finds chlorine, metal, and other harmful… read more