Healthy Aging Month
September is Healthy Aging Month Each month, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO.org) focuses its national public education and eye health awareness efforts on one or more topics. September is… read more

Urgent Eye Care Needs
Urgent Eye Care Needs: When Should I Call? The COVID19 pandemic has temporarily changed our way of life and the ways that we interact with one another. While North Georgia… read more

Did Leonardo da Vinci Have Strabismus?
Did Leonardo da Vinci have an eye condition called Strabismus? A 2018 study out of England concluded that Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci had the eye condition strabismus. City University… read more

Be Careful With Exfoliating Scrubs
Be Careful: Exfoliating Scrubs Can Hurt Your Eyes Microbeads are tiny bits of plastic that have been found in skincare products. They’re intended to be used as exfoliators to remove… read more

Dehydration Affects Your Eyes, Too!
Do you suffer from Dry Eye? Get more information, including various treatment options, about Dr. Shah’s Dry Eye Clinic here at North Georgia Eye. Dehydration Affects Your Eyes, Too! What… read more

Thanks for Your Reviews!
We’d like to thank all of our many patients who have left reviews for North Georgia Eye! We’ve earned 4.8 stars from 258 Google users, and 4.5 stars from over… read more

5 Ways to Care for Your Vision
5 Ways To Take Care of Your Vision The National Eye Institute has observed Healthy Vision Month every May since 2003. Approximately 36 million adults in the United States have… read more

Reducing Eye Strain
Sports Eye Safety: It’s Up to You Tens of thousands of people seek treatment for sports-related eye injuries every year. Did you know that almost all of these injuries could… read more

Cataract Surgery Can Benefit Long-term Brain Health in Older Adults
Cataract Surgery Can Benefit Long-term Brain Health in Older Adults In October a follow-up study was published regarding the multi-wave English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). The study aimed to… read more

Reducing Eye Strain
Eye Strain: What Might Make Your Eyes Feel Tired An article written by Celia Vimont for the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO.org) When you focus for long periods working on the… read more