Posted by: North Georgia Eye Associates in COVID,Eye Conditions,News,NGEC

Urgent Eye Care Needs: When Should I Call?
The COVID19 pandemic has temporarily changed our way of life and the ways that we interact with one another. While North Georgia Eye Clinic is adhering to our COVID-19 Health Safety Procedures, many of our patients continue to social distance due to underlying health issues or in an abundance of caution. Below is a simple guide to conditions that need to be seen urgently, however. Call our Gainesville office at (770) 534-1711 to speak with an experienced ophthalmic technician if you are experiencing urgent eye issues. We can provide some limited services through Telehealth; please let us know if you would like to explore that option.
When should I call for evaluation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist?
1) Significant eye injuries or scratches, burns, or chemical exposures
2) Flashes of light in your vision
3) Large new floaters or numerous new floaters (spots) in your vision
3) Severe or worsening eye pain or pain around your eyes
4) Loss of vision or significant changes in vision, especially when persistent
5) Significant redness, swelling or new bumps or blisters of the skin around the eyes
6) Thick or colored discharge from the eyes
7) Severe redness of the eyes, especially if you wear contact lens
8) Double vision (seeing more than one of something)
9) Other worrisome or new symptoms that seem out of place. Call to speak with an ophthalmic technician to help guide you.
This article was written by Matthew W. Hollar, M.D., an Ophthalmologist and Cataract Surgeon at our Braselton and Gainesville locations. Please read his full bio on our doctors page.